Archive for April, 2012

Jen Simmons: HTML5 APIs

04 Apr

Jen Simmons’ HTML5 APIs session was an interesting look into the back-end of HTML5, an area that I’m not as familiar with. Lots of new goodness about how we can make HTML not only create a basic layout but actually devise interactions, storage and flexibility.

Presenters: Jen Simmons (@jensimmons)
Hashtag: #html5apis


SxSW: Teaching Touch (Josh Clark)

04 Apr

Josh Clark’s presentation on touch design was one of the better presentations of the week – a combination of humor and good information, presented in one of the most charismatic sessions I saw. As I said after:

After seeing @globalmoxie speak, I need to tweak my #SxSW presentation with more humor/fart jokes

Here are the highlights of the session.

Presenters: Josh Clark
Hashtag: @globalmoxie


SxSW: Designing for Context

02 Apr

It’s been almost a month so I thought I would finish doing write-ups about the sessions I attended, going in chronological order and following Luke Wroblewski’s bullet point method to simplify it.

Presenters: Ben Fullerton – Method (@benfu), Leah Buley – Intuit (@ugleah), Nate Bolt – Bolt|Peters (@boltron), Ryan Freitas – AOL/ (@ryanchris), Andrew Crow – GE (@AndrewCrew)

Hashtag: #DforC
